Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ship the Chip: Pringle Challenge

Our 5th & 6th graders competed in a challenge where each group engineered a package to have the smallest mass and volume, while protecting a single chip so it is delivered to the destination (middle school) undamaged. Students used materials such as cardboard, tape, cotton balls, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, a pringle, and other similar materials. 

We made blue prints of our packages, then designed the box that would ship our single pringle to the middle school to be evaluated by the middle school gifted students.  One group will be the victors of this challenge, based on a rubric and the middle school gifted students evaluation. Let's see who can ship a chip in the mail without damaging it and having the lightest packaging! Packages will be evaluated next week!

Sarah, Suyash, and Arya

Abby, Brady, and Eric

Grace, Anna, Bri, Taylor, and Nitish

Bri, Anna, Taylor, and Grace

Alia, Nick, Dylan, and Aarik

Charlize, Logan, and Liz

Halle, Mike, and Niko

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