Friday, October 31, 2014

Our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders competed in the History Bowl at the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh on October 29th and 30th. It was a great day exploring the museum and competing against the many other school districts who also attended.  

A special congratulations to our 4th and 5th grade team of Bella, Caitlin, Dylan, and Nick  who took 3rd place in their division!!! We were all very excited!We all had a fun day learning all about Pittsburgh's rich history and culture! So proud of all!

6th Grade 

4th & 5th Grade Teams
A special shout out to Caitlin, Bella, Nick, and Dylan! Our 3rd place winners! Way to go!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Check out our 2nd & 3rd graders who designed amazning K'Nex Rubber Band Powered Cars! Look how awesome all of our cars turned out. We tested our cars in the hallway to see which group could get their car to travel the furthest distance. There are still some groups to complete their trials, so check back for a posting of our results! This should be interesting! 
Addi, Cali, & Alexa
Great racing girls!

Cole & far will their car travel?!

Jules had an awesome first run with her car traveling 12 feet! Way to go Julia!

Dawson & Ryan getting ready to have a trial run!